$10,000 Toss N' Tailgate
Saturdays, October 12 & 19 | 6PM-12AM
Toss your way to Big Freeplay!
- 1 Winner every 30 minutes from 6PM-9PM plays Cornhole to win $200-$600 Freeplay
- 3 Winners every 10 minutes from 6PM-9PM win $100 Freeplay
- 2 Winners at 10PM, 11PM, & 12AM play Cornhole to win $200-$600 Freeplay
- Earn Unlimited Entries day-of
- 5 points = 1st entry, 20 points = additional entries
- Live Entertainment in the Fun Zone
Limit 1 Freeplay win/hour. Limit 1 Top of Hour win. Must be present to win. All winners will have 5 minutes to claim at the Fun Zone.